Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U Does Not = You

U Does Not = YOU

My daughters make fun of me that I refuse to use texting language.  No matter who I'm texting I write every word out.  I know it's silly, but I just can not write a message that looks like:  OMG u r the bst frnd evr!  So  what if it takes me an extra 30 seconds to compose a message.  It hurdles through space at an unbelievable speed anyway. If I want to send a longer message, I'll split it up into two texts, or email it. Words deserve the dignity of all their letters; not to spend a life whacked apart into their various phonetic pieces.  I guess I'm just an old fashioned language snob.  (LOL!)

 Some other great "U" words:  usurp,  ubiquitous, undulate, unctuous

Check out all the other great A-Z posts.  I can't believe we're almost to the end!  It's been so much fun to meet everyone and read their great posts for the challenge.

Have an unbelievable day!!!

Kathy :)


  1. LOL! That's funny. I always use texting language. It's even crossing over into my email posts.

  2. I totally agree with you, Kathy. Myself and a couple of my friends will always make the effort to spell words correctly, use the correct punctuation in texting. If you need to say more then why not pick up the phone and have a conversation?

  3. Here! Here! I agree with u... just joking. I mean I really do agree with you!

  4. Yes,
    I agree except for certain things like LOL, OMG and IDK which seem to have become 'words'.

  5. I never, ever, ever use text speak. I text with capital letters, punctuation, grammar, everything. When I read text speak it takes me forever to decipher it; it's like reading another (poorly constructed) language! What do people have against vowels anyway?

    But then, I'm probably just not young and hip enough!

  6. i have to admit--i have started to use some of the facebook lingo--and it does not bother me at all--but there is one that i refuse to use--so i can't tell you--great post

  7. it depends. if im in a hurry, abbreviate & hope they understand...
    my comments are in textese to an extent because i do them on my ipad...
    fun u post =)

  8. Hear hear! Like Fairview, I use the occasional LOL or OMG, but otherwise I use the full words and proper grammar. My mom makes fun of me for using multisyllable words in my text messages, but I write how I speak.

    I do like emoticons though. :-)

  9. I do like the emoticons, too, but texting shorthand not so much. It reminds me of when digital watches and clocks came out and I heard someone say that someday kids are going to not understand the concept of clockwise and counter-clockwise. That used to be a joke until recently. I liked your write up. O/\O :)

  10. Like you, I, too, have difficulty abbreviating words for the sake of speed...

  11. It's easy to write the full word and quicker with predictive texting, though it took me a while to get the hang of it. I have been known to use "u" on occasion. Shame on me!

  12. I like to write things out in texts, also. I actually have high schoolers who I teach that sometimes try and use text-talk in their writing in class.

    So annoying!
