Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Insecure Writers Support Group

It's time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group post, hosted and created by Alex J. Cavanaugh!  This is where we come together to post our fears, insecurities, and successes.  If you'd like to join us sign up here, and then go visit others on the list to give your encouraging words to someone in need.

My big insecurity this month is that I have a really hard time with consistency in both blogging and writing in general.  I know it is ultimately up to me to carve out the time in the day to get to my writing/blogging, but somehow other things always seem to get in the way.  I'm working really hard this year to change that because I've loved writing and creating stories ever since I could read.    

Honestly another big part of my inconsistency, especially in blogging, is that sometimes I feel like I don't really have anything to write that would be useful to people.  I don't want to just write a bunch of nothing that fills up the blogosphere and isn't helpful.  I did a lot of thinking this last year during all my time off and I'm hoping I've come up with a solution and a bunch of topics that I can blog about.  I guess you guys will be the judge of whether or not it's interesting and useful! :)

What are your insecurities or fears this month? or do you have some great news to share?

Hope you're having a great week!



  1. I have a hard time balancing writing and blogging, and yes, I get the same thing with not having something to write about. I try not to stress that what I have to say is useful. Sometimes people just want a little encouragement or a laugh. :) Hope you're having a lovely week too!

    1. You're right, I probably worry too much about it!

  2. I post pretty much every Monday with the occasional second post during the week. The Monday post is motivational (hopefully!) and the second post can pretty much be anything, from announcing a story publication to sharing some things I learned from a cooking class.

    Oh, and of course I post on IWSG Wednesday! :)

    1. That sounds like a great schedule! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Find topics you are passionate about and they will be interesting!

    1. I know you're right! I guess that's what this year is about for me, getting the confidence to write about my passions and let everyone see who I am.

  4. I feel that way too, about blogging and so am always looking for new ideas. I sometimes wish I wrote in only one genre so I would have a "target" audience to write to!

  5. I agree, that seems like it would be easier! Maybe I have too many options to choose from!

  6. I know this problem first hand! I've finally marked off Sunday afternoons for blogging. It's working so far. Good luck!

    1. Good for you! That's what I've decided I have to do as well, make a specific day and time that I do it, so I don't let it slide. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. So glad you got to think on it and come up with the topics. I need to do that, too. Then I need to find time to blog. And write. And work the day job. LOL, too many things to do.

  8. I think it's best to write and not worry about what other people think. They can decide what is worth their time to read, or not. Pick a topic, like a theme during A to Z. You'll have fun writing about it, and others will pick up on that.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Mary at Play off the Page

    IWSG co-host

  9. I too have a hard time with being consistent. Not in blogging so much, being a part of a few ongoing blog hops helps in that department. But in my actual writing is where I fail to be consistent. And being in blog-hops at times does hinder this. I too, need to think about and find the time for myself to get my writing done.
    Keep up the good work!

  10. I think lots of people are having similar issues with blogging. I barely blogged at all for the last 6-8 months of last year. I'm trying to get back to being more consistent with it but it's hard. I'm working on coming up with ideas for posts that aren't just about writing because I don't know what else I can say about that.

  11. Mary- You're right! If they don't like it they can just move on to the next blog! :)

    Jeffrey- Good luck finding a schedule that works for you!

    Julie- I guess we're in this together then! :)

  12. I don't know if everything I blog about is actually useful to other writers. But when I come to my blog, one of my motivations is simply to share about something I'm thinking about.

  13. Balancing writing and blogging isn't always easy. What usually works for me that I plan and schedule what to write ahead of time. And when you're stumped on topics you can write posts inspired by other bloggers where you add your two cents. Or check out Molly Green's 101 blog topic ideas:

  14. Finding time for writing kicks my butt. I'm constantly thinking, "Well, there's always next week." Blogging was hard when I tried to write meaningful posts all the time. But then I joined Celebrate the Small Things (which I now run), and Alex's IWSG, and life got much easier. I just write what's going on in my life, or if I can't come with anything, I post funny or inspirational memes! Yup, pretty sneaky! Good luck with your writing and your blogging! :)

  15. Cynthia- Maybe I'm overthinking things way too much!

    Lidy- Thanks! I'll definitely check out Molly's site!

    Lexa- That's a great way of thinking about it! I guess I just have to let go a little and not worry so much! Thanks for the great tips!

  16. I say write what you want...that's what a blog is for. It never "fills up the blogosphere." There's an endless amount of space out here...and it's great that we each can share our lives with each other!

  17. Stephanie- Haha, yes you're right about that! :)

    Thanks so much everyone! You've given me so much more confidence!
