Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! I hope you had a wonderful day. You deserve it for all the hard work and love you give to your families. Cherish every moment.

As I thought about all the wonderful moments I’ve had as a mom I tried to pinpoint one that stood out as the most special or heartwarming.  I couldn’t think of one.  There isn’t just one.  Having three kids 17, 15, and 9 has given me a whole life of wonder.  

From the moment Jessica was born 17 years ago, to yesterday watching Ryan at his first guitar concert and everything in between.
Watching each of them take their first steps.
Teaching Alyssa how to bake.
Teaching them all how to read.
Teaching the girls to figure skate.
Having Ryan climb into my lap to show me some new game on the iPad.
Watching them all grow into beautiful, amazing people.

Not everything has been happy.  There have been plenty of roadblocks along the way. Sickness, injury, frustration, and heartbreak are also part of the journey.  Together we forged ahead and grew.

Scary moments, sad moments and joyous moments are all part of my motherhood memories that I cherish.
But maybe the most wonderful moments of all, are those deliciously sweet times when my three children are talking and laughing together totally oblivious of my observations.  When their pure love for each other shines like the brightest of stars, telling me that even when I’m gone they will stick together and make new memories of their own.      

Kathy :)

Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom who taught me everything I know about motherhood and encouraged me to always follow my dreams!

If you want to join in on Dropcam's campaign to share your stories of being a mom contact,  Tiffany at tpham(@)dropcam(.)com.  They will be sharing their favorite MOMeries


  1. All of those things you described are the things that form that bonding between moms and their children. I look back to those trips to the hospital, the fights with my parents--all those things and remember them as part of forming who I am as an adult. Moms play a very, very big part in each child's life. Happy Mother's Day (a day late!).

  2. Everything sure comes into play to make us and our relationships what they are today

  3. His first guitar concert? Very cool!
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  4. I often remember the rough times before I do those of joy. They go together to make the Mom's job the best one in the world.

    Hope your day was wonderful.
